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Young people responding to crisis with hope and curiosity


We are a youth-led, intergenerational co-operative stepping into regenerative living, and the possibility of a better world.


We create spaces for our members to activate their unique gifts to learn and better care for ourselves, others, and the world we all inhabit.


We also host learning and storytelling gatherings for youth and communities through our:

 Annual Summer Camp
 Workshops with Community Partners
 Seasonal Gatherings + Celebrations
+ More

We are building towards our own model urban school and rural retreat center.

We acknowledge the sacredness of the lands and waters on which we live and work. As a co-operative, we acknowledge that we exist under the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Treaty, and humbly accept our responsibility to share and care for the lands and resources around the Great Lakes. The Dish With One Spoon Wampum is a peace agreement woven between Haudenosaunee Confederacy and allied nations after the Onkwehon:we strife. The wampum affirms the need for all of us to use the spoon to take only what we need, and the mutual responsibility to care for the health of the whole (the dish). We are grateful for the many teachings of the wampum that tells us that peace is possible, though the path to get there will be hard. We are all treaty people, and we are all responsible to ensure that the dish is kept healthy for future generations.

Do You care Deeply about this planet? Us too.

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